Resource Balance Analysis
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Resource balance analysis (RBA) is an approach for developing genome-scale models of cells and organisms. RBA models use a detailed blueprint of the cell to predict its precise macromolecular composition. Based on metabolic networks, models can be indefinitely refined by adding cellular processes (such as translation, transcription, secretion, or chaperoning). The RBA framework was originally developed to describe bacteria growing in batch mode and has since then been extended to dynamical conditions, chemostat cultures, and eukaryotic organisms.
This website explains how to build and use RBA models and provides resources including models and python software. If you use our RBA code for your research, please cite our articles Bulović et al. (2019), Metabolic Engineering, 55, 12-22 (for RBApy) or Bodeit et al. (2023), Bioinformatics Advances, vbad056 (for RBAtools).